Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Let's Blow this Popsicle Stand...

Does anyone else have trouble spelling Popsicle? Without fail, it is spell checked.

Anyway, Summer is here people! I know where I live it isn't being shy. Summer has kind of an ego here. It wants everyone to know what it is capable of and it's not afraid to show it.

Call me crazy but I LOVE IT!

I also love these...Homemade Popsicles!

I found this delicious recipe from cherryteacakes.com (one of my favorite blogs to follow). The recipe is for a cantaloupe popsicle but I have tried other fruit, too. Note to self: watermelon not so bueno. Get creative and use other fruit or do banana and substitute milk for water. A creamy banana popsicle. ooh yeeah! Let me know what you try!

Homemade Popsicles
1/2 cup water
dash of unflavored gelatin
1 cup fruit
1/2 cup water
1 T fresh lemon juice (I don't know if I have ever added this...)

Pour water in a bowl. Sprinkle just a little unflavored gelatin over, at most a fourth of a teaspoon. This is just to keep the popsicles from being too granular in texture.

Mix the remaining ingredients in a food processor (Its easier in the blender) for about half a minute, or until it reaches your desired consistency.

Combine the two mixtures well, and pour into a popsicle mold.


When you are ready to unmold, if the popsicles stick, run the mold under warm water for about 10 seconds, and it should release more successfully.

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